Best Aerospace & Defense Robotics Company in Spain. Awarded by European Institution "Innovation-in-business". 2024[Read more]
Company included by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities in the IA Technology Capabilities Map. 2019.[Read more]
"INNOVATIVE SME" certificate awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. 2018[Read more]
”GOLD STAR” in Professional Excellence in new technologies. Awarded by the Spanish Institute for Professional Excellence. 2016[Read more]
One of the 25 European Technology-Based Companies Winners Under the INNOSMART Programme. 2015[Read more]
Identified by the Spanish Ministry of Defence as a "Technology Company of Interest to the Defence of Spain". 2014 [Read more]
1st prize in the V Competition for Business Creation (University of Alcalá), in the form of Technology-Based Companies. 2012[Read more]
1st prize in the VIII Competition for Ideas and New Technology-Based Companies in Madrid Region, in the Category of Technology-Based Business Ideas. 2011[Read more]